Journal of English Teaching and Linguistics <p><strong>Journal of English Teaching and Linguistics</strong> is an English Education and Linguistics Journal, as a platform to publish the results of research(es) in the field of English education, Literature, and Linguistics periodically. It is published by the English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, Iskandar Muda University every 6 (six) months (biannually) in June and December. Each article is reviewed by experts. p-ISSN:<strong> 2723-0961</strong> e-ISSN: <strong>2775-1317</strong>.</p> Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP - Universitas Iskandar Muda en-US Journal of English Teaching and Linguistics 2723-0961 <p>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under an <a href=""><span class="cc-license-title">Attribution 4.0 International</span> </a><span class="cc-license-identifier"><a href="">(CC BY 4.0)</a> </span>that allows others to <strong>share</strong> — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and <strong>a</strong><strong>dapt</strong> — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</p> Assessing Turkish Preservice English Teachers’ 21st Century Skills <p>In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of 21st century skills in preparing individuals for success in the modern workforce. These skills, which include critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, and digital literacy, are seen essential for individuals to navigate the complex and rapid change of global landscape. For language teachers, in particular, these skills are crucial in helping students develop the language proficiency and cultural competence necessary to communicate effectively in today's interconnected world. However, despite the recognized importance of these skills, there is limited literature on how to assess them among pre-service language teachers. To address this gap, a study was conducted to evaluate the level of 21st century skills among pre-service English language teachers in Turkish universities. The study sought to determine if there was a significant difference in the mean scores on the five latent variables of 21st century skills between two groups of pre-service teachers: group 1 consisting of freshmen and sophomores (45 students), and group 2 comprising juniors and seniors (41 students). The study utilized a survey questionnaire as the data-gathering tool and conducted a multivariate analysis of variance to analyze the data. The results of the analysis revealed a Wilks' Lambda value of .978 and a significance value of 0.674, indicating that there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding their 21st century skills. Despite this lack of difference, the study highlights the importance of exposing pre-service language teachers to 21st century skills and monitoring their learning, literacy, and life skills. The study recommends that Turkish universities' pre-service language teacher education programs should incorporate these skills into their curriculum to ensure that their graduates are well-equipped to meet the demands of the modern workforce and contribute to a more globally connected and culturally competent society.</p> Farhad Ghorbandordinejad Amal Mohamed Abdulsalam Almarfi Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 4 2 83 95 10.55616/jetli.v4i2.600 Improving Students’ Ability in Speaking Skill by Using Video-Based Storytelling <p>Speaking is the first way to interact with others in the social community. Furthermore, the success in learning a language at first can be seen from the ability of the learner’s speaking. However, it is very hard for the beginners to speak the foreign language, especially English. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting research entitled Using Video-Based Storytelling Techniques to Improve Students' Speaking Skills. Because, this method is easier and faster for students to accept and they are able see firsthand what is shown in the story and it is easier to remember it and capture the meaning of the story that is displayed. Thus, this research aims to find out whether the use of digital story telling effective to improve students' speaking skill. This research was focused on speaking the effectiveness of using video-based storytelling to improve the students’ speaking skill. This research applied a pre-experimental research design. The researcher used a purposive sampling method and took only class IX the sample of the research which consisted of 20 students. In addition, the researcher applied an instrument of this research namely oral test. In pre-test and post-test, the researcher gave topics through digital storytelling to stimulate the students to speak in front of the class. In pre-test and post-test, the students, one by one, speak each other with the researcher in the class. After pre-test, the researcher implemented a media of teaching speaking namely video-based storytelling as a treatment then the result of post-test was compared with the result of the students’ pre-test. The result found that the significant improvement of the students’ speaking ability. The score of grammar in expressing ideas was improved (150%) from the mean score 1 in pre-test to be 2.5 in post-test. The score of vocabulary in expressing ideas was improved (145%) from the mean score in pre-test 1.1 to be 2.7 in post-test. The score of comprehension in expressing ideas was improved (147%) from the mean score 1.05 in pre-test to be 2.6 in post-test. The score of fluency in expressing ideas was improved (150%) from the mean score 1.1 in pre-test to be 2.5 in post-test. The score of pronunciation on in expressing ideas was improved (108%) from the mean score in pre-test 1.2 to be 2.5 in post-test. It was proved by looking the percent improvement pre-test and post-test in grammar was 150%, in vocabulary 145%, in comprehension 147%, in fluency 150%, and in pronunciation 108% it means the students’ speaking improved after teaching speaking by using Video-based storytelling as media. The result of post-test can be improved from poor level to the average level and good level of classified.</p> Heva Seri Rezeki Budi Rizka Dara Yusnida Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 4 2 96 103 10.55616/jetli.v4i2.628 An Analysis of Illocutionary Speech Act in NYU's 2022 Commencement Speech <p>Illocutionary speech acts are actions used by speaker not only to convey utterances, but also have other purposes for conveying meaning. Meanwhile, motivational elements are used by speaker to arouse the enthusiasm of their listeners. This study aims to find out and analyse illocutionary speech acts and how the utterances conveyed motivational elements in New York University (NYU)’s 2022 commencement speech. The data used is a transcript of a video entitled New York University (NYU)’s 2022 Commencement Speaker Taylor Swift. In this research, the researcher uses Searle’s theory to classify and analyze sentences and Daniel Goleman’s theory to classify and analyze motivational elements. This study used qualitative method with descriptive results based on the researcher’s analysis. Bowen’s theory is used as technique analysis in categorizing, describing and drawing a conclusion. The results of illocutionary speech act show that there are 37 data of representative, 9 data of directive, 12 data of expressive, 6 data of commissive and no sentences stated as declarative. The results of motivational elements show that there are 4 data of personal drive motivation, 3 data of commitment motivation, 3 data of initiative motivation and 3 data of optimism motivation. It can be concluded that representative was the most commonly found data because speaker told their life stories, also related to personal drive motivation as the most commonly found data to motivate graduates to improve themselves to achieve their goals.</p> Nurul Azizatul Khusnah Hasbi Assiddiqi Toneng Listiani Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 4 2 104 112 10.55616/jetli.v4i2.595 The Effectiveness of Using Animated Video Learning Media on Students' Pronunciation Mastery at SMP Negeri 11 Banda Aceh <p>This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of animated video learning media on students' pronunciation mastery at SMP Negeri 11 Banda Aceh. The researcher used quasi-experimental research where the data was gained from oral tests. The study population was the ninth-grade students of SMP Negeri 11 Banda Aceh in the academic year 2022/2023. The sample was taken by using a purposive sampling technique. There were 226 students as population and 42 students as sample, the total number of students from the experimental and control classes. The results showed that the mean score of students' pronunciation mastery in the practical class was 36.66, becoming 82.05, with a 124% improvement. Then, the mean score of students' pronunciation mastery in the control class was 44.86, becoming 55, with a 23% improvement. Both classes have the same initial classification: <em>poor</em> (36-55). In the experimental class, there was an improvement in qualifications from <em>poor </em>(36-55) to <em>good </em>(76-85), while in the control class, there was no improvement in capabilities which was still in <em>poor</em> (36-55). The t-test analysis was presented by applying a 0.05 level of significance with the 20 degrees freedom (df=21-1); the t-test value in the experimental class was more significant than the t-table (14.63&gt;2.080), and in the control class, the t-test value was also greater than t-table (5.61&gt;2.080). Based on the results, animated video learning media significantly affects students' pronunciation mastery.</p> Munawar El Sukny Dara Yusnida Nour Ayouni Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 4 2 113 124 10.55616/jetli.v4i2.599 The Correlation between Self-Confidence and Students' English Speaking Ability of SMP Negeri 2 Darul Imarah <p>This study aims at identifying and describing the correlation between self-confidence and English-speaking skill. This research was conducted because the writer wanted to see how significant the influence between self-confidence and students’ speaking ability of SMPN 2 Darul Imarah Aceh Besar in class 8A. This study collected data in a different way in which this research prepared a test in form of self-introduction. Moreover, there has been no previous study that tested speaking in a way to build confidence at SMP Negeri 2 Darul Imarah Aceh Besar. The objective of this research is to know whether self-confidence has significantly influence on student’ English speaking ability of SMP Negeri 2 Darul Imarah. The writer used descriptive quantitative research method. This study involved 32 students and collecting data instruments of self-confidence questionnaire and speaking test. The results of the questionnaire determine the category of high confidence, five categories from very low to very high self-confidence. The second data is speaking test using self-introduction topic. The results of the speaking test determine students' speaking skills into five categories: poor, average, good, very good and excellent. After calculating the results of students' scores in speaking and self-confidence. The writer found that students have self-confidence in the high category. Moreover, the correlation coefficient (rxy) is 0.376. That means that the correlation is a low correlation. Based on the data above, the writer compared between rxy and rtable rxy: r1= 0,376 &gt; 0361, the writer concluded that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted, which means there is a correlation between students' self-esteem and their speaking ability.</p> Nur Putri Lianda Budi Rizka Ida Muliawati Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 4 2 125 130 10.55616/jetli.v4i2.602 Improving Pupils' Conscience of Learning English Language Through Culture <p>Instead of being isolated, they are less successful now since they do not speak a second language. Spanish is where the proverb "a person who speaks two languages is worth two" originated. As a result, students who get insufficient second language instruction are unable to realize their full potential. This article aims to demonstrate the need to learn a second language, in this case, English, as well as how to communicate with people from other cultures in a natural manner while accepting and appreciating their range of emotions. Culture and language have many similarities. In addition to reflecting culture, language also shapes and is influenced by it. As a result, learning about the culture of the language is a part of teaching English.This paper demonstrates strategies for fostering multicultural awareness among English language learners. Teaching students about culture beyond food and national costume in an English language classroom may be difficult for any instructor. This article places a strong emphasis on the need for English teachers to be sensitive to their students' vulnerabilities by using strategies that promote intercultural understanding. It also offers a detailed explanation of the part that culture plays in teaching and learning English. Language is a component of culture and has a significant impact on how that culture develops. It is seen by some sociologists as the cornerstone of culture. They contend that culture could not exist without language. Language is shaped and affected by culture while it reflects it. Thus, culture has a significant role in language instruction, as the English teaching community generally agrees. The link between culture and language is illustrated in this paper.</p> Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 4 2 131 137 10.55616/jetli.v4i2.693 Analysis of Students' Preferences for Digital Applications in the Context of Learning Spoken English among Private University Students in Banda Aceh <p>This study delves into analyzing student preferences regarding using digital applications in the context of English language speaking skills among undergraduate students at private universities in Banda Aceh. Based on a mixed-methods approach, the research explores the complex interplay between student preferences, the usage of digital applications, and the consequent language learning outcomes. Findings reveal diverse preferences among the student population, with a significant proportion favoring traditional classroom-based learning while a growing segment leans towards digital methods. The study also highlights the relationship between preferences and the extent of digital application utilization, shedding light on the factors influencing these choices. The research underscores the significance of accommodating diverse learning preferences in language education and acknowledges the potential of digital applications in enhancing speaking skills. It provides valuable insights for educators and institutions aiming to optimize language learning programs, ensuring a balanced and practical approach in the ever-evolving landscape of language education.</p> Nirwan Nirwan Cut Mawar Helmanda Rahmatun Nisa Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 4 2 138 148 10.55616/jetli.v4i2.716